Russell Cave Elementary

Book Fair Volunteers Needed: December 11-15

Our annual Book Fair at Russell Cave Elementary School is fast approaching. We're reaching out to the broader community for volunteers to lend a hand and make this event a glowing success. The fair is set to take place from December 11-15, and we could use assistance in various capacities, from setup to guiding attendees, and finally, wrap-up. The Book Fair is more than just an event; it's an opportunity to ignite the joy of reading and offers a memorable experience for attendees of all ages. With community support, we can ensure this tradition shines brighter each year. If you're able to contribute some of your time and energy, please reach out. Together, we can bring a wonderful literary world to life for everyone involved. Thank you for your unwavering dedication and support to our Russell Cave community events.

Point of Contact

Elvis Andrade