Social Studies
Curriculum Resources

Aug 15, 2023
Social Studies
· Aaron Davis
As mentioned in the Social Studies sessions at Central Bank Center, you will have the opportunity to provide feedback in real time as the unit frameworks are implemented in your instructional practice throughout the year.  In each grade level, you can find the feedback form under "Supporting Resources" on the right hand side of the screen.  Please use this form to offer constructive, specific feedback to move our work together forward.  If you have any questions, please reach out:
Aug 8, 2023
Social Studies
· Rosalind Koop
Dear Educators,

We are thrilled to introduce our District-Wide Writing Plan and comprehensive writing resources, designed to foster a love for writing in our students. The purpose of the District-Wide Writing Plan is to improve students' writing by implementing a comprehensive, research-based approach to writing instruction across all grade levels and content areas. By providing educators with the tools and support they need to deliver high-quality writing instruction, the district hopes to promote student success and achievement, both academically and in the world beyond the classroom. 

The P-12 Writing Guidance Document contains the Fayette County Public Schools P-12 Writing Guidance Document. The information enclosed is based on state regulation (Senate Bill 1, 2022), Kentucky Academic Standards (KAS) for Reading and Writing, and corresponds to the Kentucky Department of Education Writing Program Guidelines. This document provides schools with the FCPS vision and directions for implementing writing instruction that supports the delivery of the KAS for Reading and Writing for grades P-12.

Within the P-12 Writing Guidance Document, there are two infographics that consist of the Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) cycle and each part of the cycle is linked to a dashboard. These comprehensive infographic resources are designed to empower teachers of all levels with essential techniques and tips to enhance student writing skills across disciplines. It covers a wide range of writing essentials, resources, best practices, etc. By interacting with this infographic resource, teachers can quickly gain access to fundamental concepts, reinforce their understanding of writing principles, and refine their classroom instruction. Whether it's an essay, a report, a creative piece, or any form of written communication, this resource provides the tools necessary to make a lasting impact with words.

P-12 Writing Guidance Document

Download the P-12 Writing Guidance Document as a PDF to interact with clickable links.

If you are looking for support with the implementation of writing across-disciplines, please contact:

Wendy Jones-Robinson
Elementary District-Based Instructional Coach

Ro Koop
Secondary District-Based Instructional Coach

We are excited for the inspiring year ahead!
Dec 7, 2022
Social Studies
· Aaron Davis
This completes the upload for all units for the 2022-2023 school year!  We are already looking forward to the edits and tweaks moving forward to 2023-24 and plan to have some work time in the Spring.  More information coming on that soon.

You will also notice a new section on the right-hand side in your grade level/course page titled "Integrated Resources."  These are support links from specialists in Information Technology, MTSS, Special Education, and English Learners departments.  Contact information is available on each of those links.
Nov 9, 2022
Social Studies
· Aaron Davis
You can find our Phase 3 Unit Frameworks located in your grade/course level section in Navigator.  We just have a few levels that need a Phase 4 to complete the work for the year.  

Because of this, ALL LEVELS have at least one more unit to upload.  Some levels have two units remaining (2nd, 4th, 5th, and HS World).  Please plan and pace accordingly.  If you have any questions, please contact Aaron.
May 15, 2020
Social Studies
· Ryan McQuerry

Thank you for boarding our new app, Navigator.

Navigator is about being better together. It’s about uniting to curate the best support system and resources to help guide our district into the next century. It’s about being the one source of truth for clarity and guidance. It’s about the simplicity of finding things quickly, with ease, often just a click away.

Unity. Clarity. Simplicity. It’s a new beginning. 

Navigator is our guiding light that will allow us to work together to solve some of our largest challenges as educators.